Impact of the CAA Bill in India 

The CAA offers a quicker path to citizenship for people from specific religions facing religious persecution in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, if they entered India before December 2014.

The law doesn't include Muslims, causing concerns about discrimination based on religion.

The CAA's implementation might lead to protests and social unrest, as some people feel it's unfair.

The Modi government's decision to enforce the CAA has been a significant development, fulfilling a promise made during the 2019 Lok Sabha elections

Critics argue that the CAA's exclusion of Muslims as beneficiaries contradicts India's secular principles

The Act introduces religion as a criterion for citizenship for the first time in Indian law,

The rules for the CAA will facilitate the process of granting citizenship to eligible migrants through an online portal without requiring extensive documentation from applicants.

The implementation of the CAA rules is expected to impact states like Assam and West Bengal differently due to their unique socio-political contexts and historical immigration issues.